“Their group has over 25 years of experience specializing in the complexity of treating geriatric and chronically ill patients, and has demonstrated an ability to make significant differences in the quality and continuity of care for patients in these settings."
R. Scott Koelliker, RN, MSA, FABC
Heartland Clinic Administrator

2015 Hospital Readmission Penalties

Hospital Readmission Penalties As a part of the Affordable Care Act, the Readmissions Reduction Program aims to lower 30-day hospital readmission rates for patients discharged from the same or another subsection hospital. Each year, hospitals that have not improved quality of care to the standards set by CMS are subject to hospital readmission penalties, which will decrease reimbursements received throughout the entirety of the designated year.


In the third round of hospital readmission penalties, happening in 2015, 2,610 hospitals will receive reduced CMS payments.


Download your free 2015 Hospital Readmission Penalties infographic.